Monday, July 26, 2010

What’s in a Shoe?

And is fashion art? I think The Style Collective would think so. Designed, sculpted, drawn, rendered, hand crafted, embellished, cut, sewn and painted. If we accept this philosophy then shoes are like sculptures to the feet. They may adorn, but they are also a form of line and expression. In the best of shoe design, the proportions and lines meld perfectly together. One might even find no need to wear the shoe but to gaze at it and appreciate the creative process that went into one tiny miracle. A shoe can evoke a strong emotion and aesthetic appreciation? Theory is conclusive for me- fashion is a medium of art. While I agree there are certainly more profound art pieces in our world...variety and diversity in creative expression is not a bad thing.

Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon these YSL boots for a fraction of the orginal cost.

Images by S.S.- digi watercolors by Jaiden Steele

A true connoisseur of shoes… Jane from She’s got the best documented by her photographer mother.

(stylist note- Chanel Candy)

Images courtesy of Sea of Shoes

An amazing drawing by Marzena from Please just study the exquisite detail. I would say that she and Alexander McQueen are undoubtedly artists.

Future blogger and art connoisseur - Lana Weber.

Photos by S.S.

If you’d like to draw your own conclusions about the debate of Art and Fashion here are two articles TSC would recommend to read:

The Guardian Debate

Plato and Stanford Definition of Art

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